TekTile Australia Home

Office Flooring

TekTile Australia
provides premium solution for your office space. Our loose lay interlocking floor tiles offer an excellent alternative to traditional ceramic and sheet vinyl flooring, with longer life cycle and easier installation and repair. Featuring hidden bevelled joins, TekTile Australia lineups have R10 anti-slip rating, are fire retardant, and provide excellent noise and dust reduction.

The Office Performer

Our products have been installed in facilities across Europe and Australia with a reported increase in facility looks and performance. With 10 years of limited TekTile Australia warranty, you can be sure that your office space will be optimised for years to come.

More Advantages of TekTile:

  • Easy Installation
  • Free Quotes and Consultation with our Australian Flooring Experts
  • No damp-proof membrane or adhesives required
  • Excellent Acoustic and Fire Retardant Properties
  • Reduces Fatigue
  • Lower Life Cycle Cost
  • Easy to relocate and reuse
  • CE Accredited
  • Manufactured with product sustainability in mind; easily recyclable
  • Various Colors and Finishes

TekTile Office Flooring offers excellent anti-slip properties; ensuring that you have a safe and comfortable office. All TekTile floor tiles are also CE accredited. Tek Tile flooring line up is an ideal, cost-effective and reliable solution to improve the looks, safety, and performance of your gym. 

Installation Examples:


Suitable Flooring Options:

Standard Color Options: